Living the life hoping that someday, I’ll get over you and
find someone better
(A letter to those who are also profoundly adoring Xyrel Tuson)
(A letter to those who are also profoundly adoring Xyrel Tuson)
I can’t.
(I can but I wouldn’t.)
go? Although an earthly cliché, how can you let go of someone (whom you adored
and already planned to settle with) if he didn’t even have a commitment- a
promise of a never-ending river of love and bare loyalty with you? How can you
ever forget his Rizal-like face and bold wits and worldly opinions? If he’s
that monsieur-type you want, how can you ever put your gaze unto others?
Stop that
execrable drama. You can! And you should.
It’s now
for you to leave the wilderness and get out of your own annoyingly oblivious
savageness. Stop clinging onto the vines of cowardice and idiocy for you might
fall again, harder and faster than before. Be alert. No one’s going to catch
you. . . again.
already thinking about it, don’t you?
Oui! He’s making
that curved lips appear on you face. Oui! He
drives you to do your best (and it’s scientifically proven that being
emotionally aroused provokes the production of endorphpins). Oui! He’s
your life, (in whole or in part thereof). Oui! He
makes that reddish fist-sized organ inside your ribcage continue to pump
amazingly, soon unleashing that uncommon and weird feeling of happiness and
the truth is that he can´t (and wouldn’t) love you. It is because he believes
and already told you that, “having a relationship is not a requirement to
graduate in high school nor in Bicol University.” (Note that he’s a
former-political-science-present-accountancy student). Albeit, you know that
he’s sometimes a hypocrite for he has many flings!
The ultimatum
to the reader: wake up on that daydream, be independent, turn back and smile
grotesquely. Smile like you already know how to make yourself happy.
Janna Nieva
May, 2016
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